Located at the end of via dei Giubbonari, Campo dè Fiori is one of the most important places in the historical center of Rome.
Pope Callisto III found it in 1456, near via Giulia, a street that serves as a route to the Vatican. Its proximity to this important street was the reason why the square became the center of several commercial and cultural activities.

Also, they built some important palaces and institutions around Campo Dè Fiori, such as Palazzo della Cancelleria, the seat of the apostolic chancellery, and Palazzo Farnese where the French Embassy is seated from 1936.

In the center of the square, you can see the bronze statue that represents Giordano Bruno. He was a philosopher who they condemn to the stake for heresy in 1600 and died in this place.

This square has hosted a famous and picturesque market since 1869. You can see it still active every morning at the present day. You can find stalls selling fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, legumes, meat and fish, and others selling flowers.

During the evening the place became a meeting point for young people. In fact the square is full of clubs and bars open until late, especially in summer.